dyrektor ~ chief executive, general manager
~ne dowództwo command-in-chief
~ dowódca commander-in-chief
~ inżynier chief engineer
redaktor ~ editor-in-chief
supreme, chief~ dyrektor - Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Chief Operating Officer, Managing/ General Director~ inspektor - chiefinspector~ sanitarny - medical health officer~ więziennictwa - Chief Inspector of Prisons~ zdrowia - chief medical health officer~ lekarz - chief medical officer~ organ - supreme agency~ administracji - supreme agency of administration~ prokurator wojskowy - chief military prosecutor~ Rada Adwokacka - the Central Board of Lawyers~ Rada Spółdzielcza - the Supreme Co- operative Council~ redaktor - editor-in-chief~ Sąd Administracyjny - the Supreme Administrative Court~ Sąd Cywilny - Court of Session, Royal Courts of Justice (UK) ~ Sąd Karny - High Court of Justiciary (UK) ~ Sąd Pracy - Employment Appeal Tribunal (UK)
adj. 1. chief 2. prime 3. general 4. principal ~a rada finansowa Financial Services Authority ~a zasada prime principal ~y dyrektor general manager ~y inspektor sanitarny medical officer of health ~y inspektor więziennictwa Chief Inspector of Prisons ~y inspektor zdrowia medical officer of health ~y redaktor editor-in-chief Naczelny Sąd Administracyjny Supreme Administrative Court Naczelny Sąd Karny bryt. Court of Session, Royal Court of Justice Naczelny Sąd Pracy Employment Appeal Tribunal
chief adj
1. chief 2. prime 3. general 4. principal 4. principal
adj head-, chief, paramount
~y dowódca commander-in-chief
Naczelna Prokuratura Wojsko-wa (skr. NPW) Chief Military Prosecutor's Office
~e dowództwo high command
adj. supreme