(Noun) sznurowadło, sznurówka; lamówka; budownictwo przewiązka; lanie;
give sb a lacing - spuścić komuś lanie;
koronka (na karcie perforowanej)
(a cord that is drawn through eyelets or around hooks in order to draw together two edges (as of a shoe or garment) )
sznurowadło, sznurówka
synonim: lace
1. zesznurowanie n, zszywanie n, spinanie n
2. łączenie przewiązkami
3. przewiązka f
4. marlinka f, dwulinka f
5. koronka f (na karcie dziurkowanej)
Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
Polish officials have long discussed replacing the planes that carry the country's leaders but said they lacked the funds. The presidential Tu-154 that crashed was 26 years old. It was overhauled in December in Russia, with Russian experts yesterday insisting that it was airworthy and blaming pilot error and bad weather.
But the federation said the crisis would worsen if the government did not urgently reconsider its policies. It claimed the decision to scrap regional housebuilding targets, without replacing them with an alternative system, would leave councils free to reject all new social housing developments.
â?? a list of prohibited goods not allowed into Gaza, replacing the current system of a list of approved goods;
The incident emerged after Fifa moved to quash an attempt by the brewers Bavaria to follow an advertising campaign in Holland by placing 36 women in distinctive orange dresses in the Soccer City stands.
â?? A list of prohibited goods not allowed into Gaza, replacing the current system of a list of approved goods
"We want to do everything possible where we can extend the choice that parents have â?? but we're not talking about placing a burden on individual parents. We're talking primarily about liberating teachers."
Don Shenker, chief executive of Alcohol Concern, said drink-related violence was costing police forces Â?7bn a year. He said: "It is a waste of police time, placing huge pressures on accident and emergency departments and the entire criminal justice system."
Miliband says he has come to the conclusion that we need "a new settlement" to secure the higher education sector without placing an unsustainable burden on students and their families.
Begin by placing the gelatine leaves in cold water and leaving them to soften for five minutes. Meanwhile, place the cream in a saucepan with the sugar and heat gently till the sugar has dissolved (it's important not to overheat the cream). Next squeeze out the excess liquid from the soaked gelatine, add it to the warm cream and whisk everything over the heat for a few seconds. Now remove the cream mixture from the heat.
The JSA is expected to expel Kotomitsuki, an ozeki (champion) who has admitted placing large sums on baseball matches, a violation of Japan's strict gambling laws. Otake, a former wrestler-turned-sumo stable master, also faces expulsion. According to Japanese media, as many as 65 of 700 wrestlers have admitted betting illegally on baseball, cards, golf and mahjong.