(Adjective) królewski;
(Adverb) po królewsku;
adj. królewski
Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
Unforgivably, after too short a conversation covering everything else from US healthcare to the nuances of Chinatown, I find myself asking a breathtakingly embarrassing final question, just because I love his films. What was it like, then? Working with Bruce?
For many westerners, Hitler remains history's ultimate evil. In India, awareness of the Holocaust is limited. Characters in Bollywood films jokingly refer to bossy family members as "Hitler" â?? provoking a sharp intake of breath from many western viewers, who associate Hitler with crimes significantly worse than telling you to do your chores. In 2006, a Nazi-themed cafe opened in Mumbai with the name Hitler's Cross. Bollywood actor Murli Sharma attended the launch party. Asked whether he found the name troublesome, he said: "I am not really agitated as I have not read much about the man. However, from what I know about Hitler, I find this name rather amusing."
For many westerners, Hitler remains history's ultimate evil. In India, awareness of the Holocaust is limited. Characters in Bollywood films jokingly refer to bossy family members as "Hitler" â?? provoking a sharp intake of breath from many western viewers, who associate Hitler with crimes significantly worse than telling you to do your chores. In 2006, a Nazi-themed cafe opened in Mumbai with the name Hitler's Cross. Bollywood actor Murli Sharma attended the launch party. Asked whether he found the name troublesome, he said: "I am not really agitated as I have not read much about the man. However, from what I know about Hitler, I find this name rather amusing."
The skinny man movement began a decade ago, with an ideal created and perpetuated by fashion designer Hedi Slimane. In 2000 luxury fashion institution Christian Dior appointed Slimane creative director of Dior Homme, its menswear line; in 2001 Slimane showed his first collection. It celebrated a gobsmackingly lean silhouette. Slimane's aesthetic hinged on razor-sharp, super-tight tailoring; and jeans so clinging that they almost qualified as meggings (man leggings). It required a pallid, waifish, concave-chested teenage boy model to do it justice â?? models Slimane "street cast" by scouting the hipper districts of significant metropolises for Twiglet-form 16-year-old indie boys. Slimane's silhouette gained extraordinary currency â?? thanks in part to the fact that he made the professionally waifish and ineffably cool Pete Doherty his muse. It set the fashion world on fire; fashion elder statesman Karl Lagerfeld was so impressed that in 2001 he lost a third of his body weight â?? 90lb, more than six stone â?? for one reason only: "I woke up and decided I was not happy with my physiqueâ?? I suddenly wanted to dress differently, to wear clothes designed by Hedi Slimane."
The shockingly frank article has reignited the breast-versus-bottle debate. The Department of Health recommends that babies are fed only breast milk for the first six months of life â?? an aspiration achieved by only one in 100 UK mothers. Many women who are unable to breastfeed or who choose to use formula milk say they are made to feel guilty or inadequate by an increasingly vociferous pro-breastfeeding lobby.
It sounds forehead-smackingly obvious: isn't giving cash to the poor what we do every time we shovel change into an envelope, or pledge a donation to Comic Relief? But when that money â?? whether from individuals or governments or big international institutions like the World Bank â?? gets to Africa or Asia, it's typically turned into new roads, schools, even community radio stations. The idea is to give poor people the infrastructure and training they need to lift themselves out of destitution.
As enjoyable as Meet the Parents was, the film did lack one tiny thing â?? the word "Focker" in the title. Thankfully that's been rectified with 2004's Meet the Fockers and the forthcoming Little Fockers, before the series reaches its natural conclusion in 2014 with a shockingly graphic and quickly banned pet-based sequel called Animal Fockers.
In The Great Silence 1918-1920 (John Murray), Juliet Nicolson examines a much overlooked period of history. She painstakingly recounts how those who had stayed at home came to terms with a brutally changed world in the aftermath of the first world war and how the returning soldiers struggled to cope with the horrors they faced.
These arch French pop experimentalists can sometimes seem a bit po-faced, arid and, well, French, but sometimes they forget themselves and produce breathtakingly brilliant pop music. HMV Picture House (0844 847 1740), 28 August.
The international spy exchange between the US and Russia was a good deal â?? even if America had to wave goodbye to red-haired tabloid favourite Chapman, the US vice-president, Joe Biden, quipped on a late-night television chat show. Holding up a picture of her, comedian Jay Leno asked the vice-president: "Do we have any spies that hot?" Biden jokingly replied: : "Let me be clear. It wasn't my idea to send her back. I thought maybe they'd take [rightwing polemicist] Rush Limbaughor something. That would've been a good move."
How am I supposed to be kingly without a crown?
Jak niby mam być Królem bez korony?
My noble kingly nose is looking too big here.
Mój szlachetny Królewski nos, wygląda na zbyt duży.
Oh, that was a kingly gift.
To był zaiste królewski dar.
my kingly plan is coming to me...
Mój królewski plan już nadchodzi...