(Noun) geografia Jordania; geografia Jordan; śmierć; grób; grobowa deska;
n (river): the ~ Jordan
Jordan, Jordania
im. Jordan
geogr. Jordan
Jordan m pr
Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
Beyond the Jordan, in the land of Moab, began Moses to declare this law, saying,
Przed Jordanem w ziemi Moabskiej począł Mojżesz wykładać ten zakon, mówiąc:
This report by Mrs Jordan Cizelj does put the emphasis in the right place.
Sprawozdanie poseł Jordan Cizelj nie kładzie akcentu we właściwym miejscu.
Then Moses set apart three cities beyond the Jordan toward the sunrising;
Tedy oddzielił Mojżesz trzy miasta z tej strony Jordanu na wschód słońca.
I hope that the assurances made by Mrs Jordan Cizelj will be followed up.
Mam nadzieję, że zapewnienia pani poseł Jordan Cizelj zostaną zrealizowane.
As far as I know, Mrs Jordan Cizelj wanted to say something about this.
O ile wiem, pani Romana Jordan Cizelj chciała powiedzieć coś na ten temat.
Jordan Acker, twitter.com/JAcker2L, USA
Any newbie from Kandahar or the Cook Islands who volunteered, respectively, Jordan and Alex Reid, and ITV2, would be well on the way to a burgundy passport. And if those Home Office examiners were properly to reflect what the British read in papers and magazines, they would pose more questions about Ashley and Cheryl or Danny and Kelly, than Palmerston, Douglas-Home or Callaghan.
Commentators say her support is divided at least partly along gender lines. "I think women like her and respect her," says Jordan Baker, from The Australian Women's Weekly magazine. "I don't think they really worry that she's not married or that she has a de-facto partner."
Former model Jessica Anne Jordan Burton has been appointed viceroy with the job of cleaning up the drug-infested border province of Beni
In such a world, Jessica Anne Jordan Burton cuts a somewhat incongruous figure. The 26-year-old British-born former model and beauty queen has become a controversial figurehead in Bolivia's increasingly fraught campaign against cocaine barons.
"Drugs are a problem. Trafficking is a problem. Corruption is a problem. Poverty is a problem. So I feel I have a mission," Jordan told the Observer last week, after a few weeks in the job. "I am taking this post very seriously and I love it. I feel I am in my place."
Critics scorned Jordan as lightweight eye-candy, but Miguel Angel Ruiz, a congressman for Beni who belongs to the president's Socialist party, defended the appointment as part of a broader strategy. "The borders in Beni were forgotten, neglected. Now Evo Morales has created an agency at national and regional levels to try to stop drug trafficking and smuggling once and for all. And Jessica's role at a regional level is key in this."
The model, author and businesswoman formerly known as Jordan talks about her career, her marriages to Peter Andre and Alex Reid â?? and why the tabloids have turned against her
When Price first appeared in the Sun 14 years ago, under the nom de guerre Jordan â?? a fresh-faced home counties teenager, more interested in horses than men â?? she was prettier than most Page 3 girls, but otherwise unremarkable. Gradually, as surgeons expanded her breasts to preposterous proportions, she acquired a certain trashy notoriety â?? falling out of nightclubs, feuding with the Beckhams, falling pregnant to a premiership footballer who promptly dumped her. Even the birth of their seriously disabled son Harvey in 2001 failed to elicit much public sympathy, and in 2004 she entered the Australian jungle for I'm A Celebrity . . . Get Me Out of Here! as Jordan, the cartoonishly vulgar tabloid bad girl.
It's a grimly telling choice of verb. In fact, the only time Price ever becomes genuinely animated, it's on a subject as far from the Jordan persona as you could probably get. I ask her what she enjoys reading, and she lights up.
We know Jordan came to your room the other night.
Wiemy, że Jordan przyszła do twojego pokoju innej nocy.
Jordan, I need you to break up with somebody for me.
Jordan, potrzebuję cię abyś , za mnie z kimś zerwała.
Jordan, there's something I really want to say to you.
Jordan, jest coś co muszę ci powiedzieć.
Some big discussion about what happened between you and Jordan.
Tej dyskusji co było między tobą a Jordan'em.
I told Jordan to take the gun and go home.
Powiedziałam Jordan, żeby wzięła broń, i wracała do domu.
I really don't want to be back in the room with Jordan, anyway.
Naprawdę nie chcę wracać do tamtego pokoju z Jordan, tak czy inaczej.
If he does, they're doing their best to protect Jordan.
Jeśli tak, robią wszystko, co mogą, żeby chronić Jordan.
But while he is at Jordan, his proposal will be heard.
Ale skoro jest w Jordanie, jego propozycja zostanie wysłuchana.
Jordan, could you just give me ten seconds to myself here?
Jordan, czy możesz dać mi 10 sekund dla mnie?
Are you thinking that's what we need to teach Jordan?
Sądzisz, że tego właśnie mamy uczyć Jordan?
Why would Jordan bury one body and not the other?
Dlaczego Jordan miałby pochowac jedno ciało, a drugiego nie?
So, did you hear about the pool party at Jordan's?
Słyszałaś o przyjęciu na basenie u Jordana?
It must have been one of the scholars at Jordan.
Pewnie któryś z uczonych w Jordanie.
Listen, we just think that getting back with Jordan might be a mistake.
Słuchaj, myślimy, że zejście się z Jordan to może być błąd.
You know that Jordan sets an empty place every night?
Wiesz, że Jordan zostawia dla ciebie miejsce każdej nocy?
Jordan has a large network of universities and research centres.
Jordania posiada rozległą sieć uniwersytetów i ośrodków badawczych.
Jordan, why'd you tell me your foster parents were coming in this weekend?
Jordan, dlaczego nie powiedziałas mi, że Twoi rodzice zastępczy przyjadą w ten weekend?
Jordan's largest challenge is in the area of social interaction.
Największym wyzwaniem Jordan jest zakres interakcji społecznych.
In fact, Jordan has all the qualities of a natural born leader.
W rzeczywistości, Jordan ma wszystkie cechy naturalnego, urodzonego lidera.
Good eyes, jordan. Sierra should come into play in a minute.
Masz dobre oczy, Jordan. Sierra zaraz wejdzie do gry.
After the wedding, we'll be far from all that, here in Jordan.
Po ślubie będziemy zdala od tego wszystkiego, w Jordanie.
All that time we thought Jordan was the mole and she wasn't.
Cały ten czas myślałyśmy, że Jordan była kretem, a nie była.
Jordan had a brush with it when we moved to Seattle.
Jordan miała to na szczoteczce do zębów kiedy przybyliśmy do Seattle.
We're not going to make you a martyr to your cause, Jordan.
Nie będziemy robić z ciebie męczennika, Jordan.
We in Jordan are ready to meet that future.
My, w Jordanii, jesteśmy gotowi na spotkanie z przyszłością.
Just go home and tell Jordan how you feel.
Jedź do domu i powiedz Jordan co czujesz.
You didn't break up with Jordan to be with me.
Nie zerwałeś z Jordan, żeby być ze mną.
You better hope this Jordan character still know how to play hoops.
Módl się lepiej, żeby ten Jordan był jeszcze w formie.
I hate needles, but Jordan's given us all so much.
Nienawidzę igieł, ale Jordan, tak wiele nam dał.
Are you still mad because we tried to fix Jordan up with someone yesterday?
Wściekasz się, bo próbowałyśmy wczoraj załatwić kogoś dla Jordan?
But Jordan told me that she was with you.
Jordan mówiła, że była z tobą.
Dr Jordan sent me a picture a few weeks ago.
Dr Jordan przysłał mi zdjęcie kilka tygodni temu.
From the river of Jordan to the great sea.
Od rzeki Jordan do wielkiego morza.
But he didn't tell Jordan that he was her father?
Ale nie powiedział Jordan, że był jej ojcem?
Sorry to break your british reserve, but we always kiss in Jordan.
Przepraszam za łamanie waszej brytyjskiej powściągliwości, ale w Jordanii zawsze całujemy się na powitanie.
Jordan, we must hurry to be in time for the grand entrance.
Jordan, pospieszmy się, jeśli chcemy zdążyć na wielkie wejście.
Mark, Jordan is amazing, and nobody loves a challenge more than me.
Mark, Jordan jest wspanialy, nikt nie kocha wyzwan bardziej niz ja.
I mean, you said it was over between you and Jordan.
Mówiłeś, że wszystko między tobą a Jordan jest skończone.
Once when Michael Jordan came to town, and the other was to see this guy.
Raz kiedy Michael Jordan przybył do miasta, i drugi raz, by zobaczyć tego gościa.
My friends, we in Jordan know that when an olive tree takes life, planting is only the first step.
Moi przyjaciele! My w Jordanii wiemy, że na to, by wyrosło drzewo oliwne, trzeba czekać całe życie.
What do you think about me asking Jordan out?
Co myślicie o tym żebym umówiła się z Jordanem?
Jordan and I are taking her daughter up for her college interview.
Razem z Jordan zabieramy jej córkę na rozmowę kwalifikacyjną.
Took me a long time to go back there after Jordan...
Długo mi zajęło, żeby tam wrócić po tym, kiedy Jordan...
Maybe Jordan found out and wanted to protect her.
Może Jordan dowiedziała się, że groził jej matce, i chciała ją ochronić.
People say you were the last person to speak with jordan before she... died.
Ludzie mówią, że ty jako ostatnia rozmawiałaś z Jordan przed jej... śmiercią.
Before you change the system, you've got to change yourself, brother Jordan.
Zanim zmienisz cały system musisz zmienić samego siebie.
He was a little worried about you and Jordan.
Chyba trochę martwi się o ciebie i Jordan..
It was just supposed to be Jordan and us, just family.
Mieliśmy być tylko my i Jordan. Sama rodzina.
She's going to help us with the movement, Jordan.
Zamierza nam pomóc w naszym Ruchu, Jordan.