Wielki słownik angielsko-polski red. nacz D. Jemielniak, M. Miłkowski

(Adverb) graficznie; plastycznie, obrazowo; drastycznie;
graphical - (Adjective) graficzny, wykreślny;

ECTACO słownik angielsko-polski Słowniki elektroniczne Ectaco do nabycia u wydawcy




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Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

The scene: The first of the great geographically located scenes, quickly followed by Brum Beat in Birmingham. In Liverpool, an active skiffle scene and the infiltration of American rock'n'roll through the port led to the creation of a new sound.
5. And now to the improbable casting choices section of the Little Fockers trailer. As you can see, this instalment stars Jessica Alba, fresh from showing off her comedy chops in that film about the man who graphically attacks the prostitute and, equally depressingly, Good Luck Chuck.
Phillip Noyes, director of strategy and development at the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, said: "These shocking revelations graphically illustrate the cruel and degrading violence inflicted at times on children in custody. On occasions these restraint techniques have resulted in children suffering broken arms, noses, wrists and fingers. Painful restraint is a clear breach of children's human rights against some of the most vulnerable youngsters in society and does not have a place in decent society."
Then again, not every film should have a sad ending. Imagine if Field Of Dreams ended with Kevin Costner sitting in an empty baseball field for a week, realising that nobody was actually going to turn up, and killing himself. Or if Tim Robbins got stuck in the sewage pipe during his escape from Shawshank and ended up suffocating in human effluent. Or if Sleepless in Seattle ended with Meg Ryan being graphically mauled to death by an escaped tiger.
As it is now 65 years since the horrific event, the omission seems even more astounding. Is there is an element of collective guilt because the US is the only country ever to have used a nuclear weapon on a civilian population? It cannot be because the subject is too appalling to depict, since many other horrendous happenings have been portrayed graphically in American films.
Perhaps part of the problem is budget. Producing a fully explorable and graphically rich recreation of a real city is not cheap; the Assassin's Creed II team reached over 200 people during the development cycle, and the budget will have easily exceeded $25m. Elsewhere, the other truly major historical title of 2010, Rockstar's western adventure Red Dead Redemption, was in development for six years and is estimated to have cost around $40m to produce. Even before the current generation of high-end consoles, historical games have often proved to be a challenging endeavour. The Last Express, a hugely compelling adventure set just before World War One was released in 1997 after a then almost unheard of five years in development, the title's detailed 2D animation taking up much of the time. Two year's later, Sega's densely detailed eighties-set drama, Shenmue, cost a record-breaking $60m.

This is very graphically shown by the Worldmapper websiteand project.
Jest to w wyjątkowy sposób graficznie pokazane na stronieprojektu Worldmapper.

The photographs on display graphically illustrate the destruction of ecclesiastical and other monuments belonging to Kyrenia's three-thousand year history.
Wystawione fotografie obrazowo pokazują zniszczenia budynków kościelnych i innych pomników wpisujących się w trzy tysiąclecia historii miasta Kirenia.

For some years, however, there has been another mark which is graphically almost identical to the CE marking, apart from the spacing between the two letters, which means something quite different: 'China Export'.
Od kilku lat stosowany jest jednak również inny znak, który oprócz odstępu pomiędzy dwoma literami jest graficznie niemalże identyczny z oznakowaniem CE, ale oznacza coś całkowicie innego: "China Export”.

on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group. - Mr President, the hypocrisy of the imperialist powers and their double-speak about human rights is demonstrated most graphically behind the wire in Guantánamo Bay.
w imieniu grupy GUE/NGL - Panie Przewodniczący! Hipokryzja imperialistycznych potęg oraz ich dwulicowość w mówieniu o prawach człowieka znajduje szczególnie plastyczny wyraz za drutami Zatoki Guantánamo.

- (DE) Mr President, President-in-Office of the Council, we were told very graphically as children how General Tito tore through the streets of Belgrade, people jumping aside - it was closed, no traffic regulations were in force.
- (DE) Panie przewodniczący, panie przewodniczący Rady! Powiedziano nam bardzo obrazowo, jak dzieciom, jak generał Tito przedzierał się przez ulice Belgradu, a ludzie uskakiwali na boki - drogi były zamknięte, nie obowiązywały żadne przepisy ruchu drogowego.