Nowoczesny słownik angielsko-polski


Słownik astronomiczny aut. K. Czart, słownik udostępniony dzięki portalowi


Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

And who better to tackle this story of a bickering family brought together in momentary harmony over a Sunday roast and a big jug of gravy granules than Jonathan Franzen, master of the convoluted, contemporary family saga? Imagine what secrets and lies could be bubbling below the surface as the gravy is poured at Christmas dinner.

But with the first mincing-machines, prison, school and seaside boarding house cooks acquired a new weapon to depress their victims, with watery mince, shepherd's pie with rubbery granules of left-over meat, rissoles capable of being fired with a gun.

I would go off on one now about the whole pig thing - bacon rind and crackling, slices of black pudding dotted with granules of fat like diamonds in a mine - but I think you know about that already.

The cornmeal granules were burnt for a reason.
Granulki mączki były przypieczone z jakiegoś powodu.

Mmm-hmm. Coffee stain, sugar granules, traces of milk.
Plamy po kawie, kryształki cukru, ślady mleka.