Wielki słownik angielsko-polski red. nacz D. Jemielniak, M. Miłkowski

(Adverb) uroczyście, świetnie, okazale, dostojnie, z pańska;

ECTACO słownik angielsko-polski Słowniki elektroniczne Ectaco do nabycia u wydawcy


Otwarty słownik angielsko-polski V.9.2007, Copyright (c) Jerzy Kazojć - 2007 r.


Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

Four weeks later, I meet Andy Burnham (66/1 at Ladbrokes) in Glasgow at the start of a campaign-closing British tour aboard what his people have rather grandly called a battlebus, whose expense may or may not have been covered by a recent Â?10,000 campaign donation from the Liverpool defender Jamie Carragher. In fact, it is a 16-seat affair of the kind familiar to indie bands and stag-nighters â?? appropriate, perhaps, given that whereas the Milibands are abstemious-verging-on-the-monkish, Burnham and his aides seem entirely comfortable with the notion of the end-of-the-day visit to the bar.
Four weeks later, I meet Andy Burnham (66/1 at Ladbrokes) in Glasgow at the start of a campaign-closing British tour aboard what his people have rather grandly called a battlebus, whose expense may or may not have been covered by a recent Â?10,000 campaign donation from the Liverpool defender Jamie Carragher. In fact, it is a 16-seat affair of the kind familiar to indie bands and stag-nighters â?? appropriate, perhaps, given that whereas the Milibands are abstemious-verging-on-the-monkish, Burnham and his aides seem entirely comfortable with the notion of the end-of-the-day visit to the bar.
If De Montebello was taken to grandly monarchical statements ("I am the Met, the Met is me" â?? a pun on Louis XIV's "l'?©tat, c'est moi"), then Campbell is quite different. The director of arguably the most important museum in the world, he's softly spoken, slightly stiff at times, and just occasionally testy. "Is this really relevant?" he asks, when I benignly enquire whether he has siblings.
It is a Tuesday morning and an air of eager anticipation fills the ballroom at the Savoy hotel in London. Europe's media are gathered for a press conference at which Take That, now returned to their original five-piece line-up, will make something grandly billed as an Exclusive Announcement. It's hard not to think that the air of eager anticipation might be more potent had Robbie Williams, displaying the shy reticence that's long been his trademark, not blithely told a tabloid weeks ago that he and Take That would shortly be making an Exclusive Announcement about a major tour in support of their new album, Progress. But then, as his bandmates sighingly conclude, that's just the kind of thing that Robbie Williams does. Indeed, Williams' fabled unpredictability gave at least one other member of Take That pause when the idea of a full-scale reunion was mooted. "When we first met up again," says Howard Donald, the day before the no-longer-exclusive Exclusive Announcement, "it was amazing to see Rob and everything, but at the end of the day, I didn't really know him. So whatever we talked about, it was all very exciting, obviously, we all wanted to do it and I wanted to do it. But in the back of my mind I was thinking, well, he could do anything tomorrow."

Mr President, again today many talk grandly about European values of democracy.
Panie przewodniczący! Dzisiaj wiele osób ponownie wypowiada wielkie słowa o europejskich wartościach demokracji.

So I turn to her and grandly say:
Wtedy odwróciłem się i powiedziałem z patosem:

Fifthly, I would like to turn to the biggest problem, namely Heading 4, grandly entitled 'EU as a global partner'.
Po piąte, chciałabym zająć się największym problemem, a mianowicie działem 4, szumnie zatytułowanym "UE jako partner na arenie międzynarodowej”.