(Adjective) mizerny, wymizerowany, surowy, wychudły, wycieńczony, zabiedzony, wyniszczony, wynędzniały; ponury, posępny;
adj (emaciated) mizerny
wychudzony, wycieńczony, zmizerowany, wynędzniały, ponury, posępny
Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
They are gaunt with want and famine; They gnaw the dry ground, in the gloom of wasteness and desolation.
Albowiem dla niedostatku i głodu samotni byli, i uciekali na niepłodne, ciemne, osobne, i puste miejsce;
Radio presenter Jon gaunt today lost his high court freedom of expression challenge against media regulator Ofcom.
Looking gaunt after his time in custody, Gomes hugged Carter before they boarded the plane at Pyongyang's airport, seven months after he crossed into the country from China.
But family friend Evelyn Wallace was shocked when she caught a glimpse of Karen's gaunt figure as she sunbathed topless in the back garden of the Carpenters' home in Downey, California, one afternoon.
His mother, Svetlana, said he was unshaven and gaunt when she saw him yesterday at Lefortovo.
I almost did not recognize you, so gaunt of cheek.
Prawie cię nie poznałem... z tymi mizernymi policzkami.
Should you like to come to Gaunt House?
Nie chciałaby pani przyjechać do Gaunt House?
May I have a word with you, Miss Gaunt?
Mogę prosić na słowo, panno Gaunt?
Miss Gaunt, is there something you wanted?
Panno Gaunt, czy czegoś pani chce?
It's not going to be easy, Miss Gaunt.
To nie będzie łatwe, panno Gaunt.
Just like a parrot, but gaunt.
Tak jak papuga tylko chudy.