ECTACO słownik angielsko-polski Słowniki elektroniczne Ectaco do nabycia u wydawcy


Praktyczny słownik religijny angielsko-polski 2005, Krzysztof Czekierda


Słownik ochrony środowiska i gospodarki odpadami angielsko-polski 2003, Krzysztof Czekierda

zyskanieskorzystanieuzyskanie~ a facility licence uzyskanie zezwolenia na prowadzenie instalacji~ a permit uzyskanie pozwolenia~ professional qualifications uzyskanie kwalifikacji zawodowych

Otwarty słownik angielsko-polski V.9.2007, Copyright (c) Jerzy Kazojć - 2007 r.



Wielki słownik wojskowy angielsko-polski

osiąganie; uzyskanie, uzyskiwanie; zdobycie; zdobywanie; zyskanie; zyskiwanie; (o zwycięstwie) odniesienie
~ acceleration - lotn. uzyskiwanie przyspieszeń
~ advantages - osiąganie korzyści
~ air control - zdobycie panowania w powietrzu
~ air supremacy - uzyskanie panowania w powietrzu
~ all the objectives - zdobycie wszystkich celów
~ altitude - lotn. nabieranie wysokości
~ ground - zdobycie terenu
~ height - lotn. nabieranie wysokości
~ in accuracy - zyskanie na dokładności
~ of surprise - korzyść z tytułu zaskoczenia
~ on time - zyskanie na czasie
~ popularity - zyskanie na popularności
~ provisions - zdobywanie zaopatrzenia
~ speed - nabieranie prędkości
~ superiority - zdobycie przewagi, zyskanie przewagi
~ the upper hand - uzyskanie przewagi, zdobywanie przewagi
~ time - granie na zwłokę, zyskanie na czasie
~ upper hand - uzyskanie przewagi
~ victory - odniesienie zwycięstwa, osiągnięcie zwycięstwa

Słownik gospodarki wodno-ściekowej angielsko-polski

~ a licence - uzyskanie zezwolenia
~ a permit uzyskanie pozwolenia
~ effectiveness uzyskanie efektywności
~ effects uzyskanie efektów
~ required experience uzyskanie wymaganego doświadczenia

Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

"Talking therapies are just a good [as medication] for treating mild depression, and CBT can be just as good for more serious depression. But the provision for these therapies hasn't been good," said Field. However, more GPs were gaining more of a choice between tablets and talking treatments, he said.
Hayward, who was in Houston today overseeing the spill response, hosted a conference call with his board to discuss BP's next move. The company had indicated that it would wait as usual until close to its next results announcement, on 27 July, to decide whether or not to pay its next quarterly dividend. But it is now set to announce its intentions sooner, perhaps as early as Thursday. It is understood BP could use the dividend as a bargaining chip in its talks with the White House.
Her brother Athelstan received the German ambassador at Canterbury and, "extremely enthusiastic" about the proposed union, according to one German account, "took Eadgyth aside and spoke in a loving voice to her, pouring into her heart an affectionate portrait of the young Otto", then a 17-year-old toughie bred to war and already experienced in the Saxons' savage campaign against Slavs and the Hungarians. In the event, Athelstan sent her to Germany with her younger sister Eadgifu, "so that Otto could choose which he liked best". They were unsentimental about their daughters in the middle ages, marrying them off for diplomatic advantage, as dynastic bargaining counters, or just to get rid of a possible source of rival children of the royal blood. But then, as the match made by Lady Di was to show, royals were not so sentimental even in the late 20th century.
Unions reacted with anger to the news, accusing the government of showing its "class bias" just weeks after gaining power. Paul Kenny, general secretary of the GMB, said: "The government knows that manual workers in the industrial regions of the UK do not enjoy anything like the same life expectancy as professionals or other classes or employees.
Eliza Doolittle is 22, but her sound comes from another time and place. Improbably, however, Doolittle â?? who was born Eliza Caird but decided her real name "wasn't very pop-starry" â?? is taking off. Radio 1 has taken a shine to her and playlisted Pack Up, and she's also gaining traction in the media. The coverage has been deceptive, though: most of what's appeared has ignored the music and simply likened her to Lily Allen, despite their having little in common but an accent and a propensity for writing about the ups and downs of twentysomething life in London.
Yet it seems unlikely that this objectification and commercialisation of the male form will abate any time soon. Actually, it feels like it's only just getting started, gaining pace. Cristiano Ronaldo's new Emporio Armani underwear shots â?? released recently, to the rapture of the internet â?? are the latest evidence of that. We probably can't stop it; but the women among us can, at least, stop the vengeful sniping over it. As Attitude's Matthew Todd says: "I sometimes hear women say things like: 'It's great â?? men can get a taste of how it feels to be objectified as women have been for all eternity.' But really we should be working on a way to make it so that physicality is not the defining thing about any of us." Which, of course, we should. Instead we seem to be making it the defining thing about all of us.
In 2000, the first version of a performance pay system was introduced for teaching, in which professionals with six years' experience had to demonstrate that they were teaching sufficiently well that they merited a Â?2,000 pay rise. Having crossed this "threshold", they were then entitled to progress further up the "upper pay scale", gaining further pay increases.
However, it quickly became clear that almost all of those applying to cross the threshold were gaining the increments. Meanwhile, in a move that Middleton points out could have unforeseen repercussions for their members, the teacher unions pressed a case with the government that the application process was itself onerous for staff in terms of workload.
Bason said Primark's move into Spain was going well. The low-price fashion market â?? which began in earnest in the UK a decade ago â?? was now gaining momentum on the continent, he said. "The value clothing market in Spain is far smaller than it is here." Primark recently opened a shop in Barcelona and plans another two branches, in Castell??n and Elche, before the summer's end.
Together, in the absence of official help, they started the search for Kyle's past. Slater alerted Georgia senator Jack Kingston who notified the FBI and began the tortuous process of gaining Kyle a social security number (he still doesn't have one, so can't claim benefits). She also approached Richmond Hill police department (RHPD). Since Kyle was found stripped and unconscious, Slater was "surprised" to find they hadn't conducted a criminal investigation. One was instigated when Slater made contact, three years after the event.

It's growing, gaining in support from people just like you.
Rośnie w siłę i zyskuje poparcie osób takich jak wy.

It's running three minutes fast, gaining half a second every hour.
Spieszy się o trzy minuty, na każdej godzinie zyskując pół sekundy.

I have a simple yet effective way of gaining you freedom.
Mam prosty i skuteczny pomysł, jak was uwolnić.

Upon gaining your understanding, there is something that i want to ask of you.
Po tym jak podam ci moje powody, chciałbym cię o coś prosić, Kusanagi.

Once she's eating and gaining weight, you can see her.
Kiedy zacznie normalnie jeść i przybierać na wadze, będziecie mogli ją odwiedzić.

Someone ought to tell her she'd be gaining a daughter. No.
Ktoś powinien powiedzieć jej że musiałaby jeszcze mieć córkę.

Have you any idea of the territory I'd be gaining?
masz jakiś pomysł terenu Zyskiwałbym?

There are opportunities in life for gaining knowledge and experience.
W życiu nadarzają się okazje do zdobycia wiedzy i doświadczenia.

People are gaining abilities, and nothing can be done about that.
Ludzie nabierają. zdolności i nic nie można z tym zrobić.

The terms for gaining access to credit are a fundamental issue.
Podstawową kwestią są warunki uzyskania dostępu do kredytu.

Many young people finish their education without gaining the skills needed to enter the job market.
Wiele młodych osób kończy edukację bez uzyskania umiejętności koniecznych do wejścia na rynek pracy.

For the time being, the nuclear power lobby appears to be gaining ground.
Na razie wydaje się, że umacniają się wpływy jądrowych grup interesu.

We are gaining the opportunity to appoint three experts to the board.
Zyskujemy możliwość wprowadzenia trzech ekspertów do Rady Zarządzającej.

Then, we will succeed in gaining acceptance for it at a national level.
Wówczas zdobędziemy dla niego akceptację na szczeblu krajowym.

Even now I am gaining control of your body.
Nawet teraz kontroluję twoje ciało.

Because there was no fight that it was not gaining.
Bo nigdy nie było kłótni, którą bym wygrał.

Where are you guys? This kid's gaining on me.
Gdzie wy jesteście? Ten dzieciak mnie ściga.

Without that, we would not be gaining much, even if Belarus held new elections today.
Bez tego, nawet gdyby nowe wybory na Białorusi zostały przeprowadzone już dzisiaj, niewiele uda się osiągnąć.

After gaining proof, I could have made them retire peacefully.
Po uzyskaniu dowodów, mogłem w pokojowy sposób zmusić ich do wycofania się.

In the meantime, we're all gaining weight for him.
W międzyczasie, wszyscy dla niego przybraliśmy na wadze.

We hear that it is a success and that they are gaining customers because of this.
I słyszymy, że to sukces, że zyskają na tym konsumenci.

I'd say your attacker has a very good chance of gaining sole custody.
Powiedziałbym, że twój przeciwnik, ma bardzo dużą szansę uzyskania praw do pełnej opieki.

He apparently works alone, gaining access to homes through unlocked windows and doors.
Pracuje sam i wchodzi do domów przez otwarte okna i drzwi.

Other networks might, but gaining access can be tricky.
Mogą je mieć inne stacje, ale trudno będzie je dostać.

Don't think of it as gaining a son.
Nie mysl o tym, ze zyskujesz syna.

They are, in effect, gaining control of food.
W efekcie, oni kontrolują żywność.

What is it they say, it's not losing a daughter, it's gaining a son?
Ale jak to mówią, nie traci się córki, a zyskuje syna.

We're finally getting into our own. Gaining respect.
Działamy na własną rękę... ...zyskując szacunek.

What would you be gaining from all this?
Jakie korzyści będziecie mieć z tego?

Mom, I'll be gaining invaluable corporate experience in an air-conditioned environment.
Mamo, będę zdobywać bezcenne doświadczenie zespołowe w klimatyzowanym środowisku.

We will be gaining a new, successful programme, but losing our rapporteur and an expert in this field.
Zyskamy nowy, doskonały program, ale utracimy naszą sprawozdawczynię oraz eksperta w tej dziedzinie.

The experience we are gaining is too expensive, but is very instructive.
Doświadczenia, które zdobywamy są zbyt kosztowne, ale bardzo pouczające.

You need to recognize that gaining weight without noticing is dangerous
Kochanie, musisz zdać sobie sprawę, że takie niezauważalne tycie jest niebezpieczne.

The man was a monster, and was gaining support.
Ten człowiek był potworem i zyskiwał coraz większe poparcie.

More countries are seeing a rise in support for extremist views, and populism is gaining ground.
W coraz większej liczbie krajów daje się zauważyć wzrost poparcia dla poglądów ekstremistycznych i rozwój postaw populistycznych.

It has nothing to do with gaining time, or hiding anything, nor is it an excuse.
Nie ma to nic wspólnego z terminowym działaniem, ukrywaniem czegoś bądź wymawianiem się.

Thirdly, it includes providing the necessary opportunities for gaining qualifications.
Po trzecie, obejmuje to niezbędne możliwości zdobywania kwalifikacji.

It is not about gaining power for Parliament.
Nie jest to również kwestia przyznania uprawnień Parlamentowi.

She suffers from a fear of gaining weight.
Ona cierpi ze strachu o przytycie.

It appears that our names are gaining attention.
Wygląda na to, że nasze nazwiska przyciągają uwagę.

You will, and we'il be gaining the best ensign in the fleet.
Zdasz i będziemy mieli najlepszego chorążego we flocie.

I must reject this strategy of gaining political influence by appealing to popular emotions and fears.
Muszę odrzucić tę strategię zdobywania wpływów politycznych przez odwoływanie się do powszechnych emocji i obaw.

It is not a matter of gaining time, Mr Weber.
To nie gra na czas, panie pośle Weber.

Alien vessel is still gaining on us, sir.
Obcy statek ciągle nas dogania.

It's an old cliché that you're not losing a daughter, you're gaining a son.
Tak, to stary banał, że nie tracisz córki, a zyskujesz syna.

They see us, watch ... and are gaining on you.
Widzą nas, obserwują... i dobierają się do ciebie.

I think that at such a time of crisis, the principle of solidarity is also gaining a new political dimension.
Uważam, że w czasie kryzysu zasada solidarności zyskuje także nowy polityczny wymiar.

In certain circles, The Hour is gaining a reputation for real journalistic integrity.
W pewnych kręgach, The Hour wyrabia sobie reputację prawdziwej dziennikarskiej prawości.

A thousand feet and gaining speed, sir.
Osiągnął pułap tysiąca stóp i przyspiesza, sir.