(Noun) geografia Berlin;
berlin wool - włóczka wełniana;
typ limuzyny
(a limousine with a glass partition between the front and back seats)
Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
(HU) Three things - as the only speaker from the eastern side of the Berlin Wall.
(HU) Trzy kwestie - jako jedyna mówczyni ze wschodniej strony muru berlińskiego.
Ulrike Guérot, Head of Berlin Office of the European Council on Foreign Relations
Ulrike Guérot, Dyrektorka Berlińskiego Biura European Council on Foreign Relations
Now I can tell you, even the Berlin Philharmonic doesn't know when to play.
Teraz mogę wam powiedzieć, nawet Filharmonicy Berlińscy nie wiedzą kiedy grać.
Many of us did not believe we would see the Berlin Wall come down in our lifetime.
Wielu z nas nie sądziło, że jeszcze za naszego życia upadnie mur berliński.
”If the Berlin Wall hadn’t gone down, I’d still be heating my place with coal.”
„Gdyby mur nie upadł, musiałabym po dziś dzień ogrzewać mieszkanie węglem.”
Most states oppose this and President Nicolas Sarkozy of France has clashed with Berlin on the issue. The two leaders abruptly cancelled a Berlin summit this week because of Sarkozy's push to turn the leaders of the single currency countries into a European "economic government". Merkel insists the new regime apply to all 27 and not only to the 16 eurozone countries. The issue of penalising fiscal miscreants is also highly politicised. To try to minimize political interference in deciding how and who to punish, the commission is demanding to be referee and wants a "rules-based" system that would make the penalties almost automatic.
Berlin is currently seeking to enshrine budgetary rigour across the EU. The Germans have amended their constitution to compel balanced budgets by 2016. Although the German deficit is far from out of control, relative to many of its neighbours, Berlin sees it as its duty to take the lead for Europe's sake.
At odds over the fundamentals of economic reform in Europe, Merkel and Sarkozy had to cancel a Berlin summit last week. They meet tomorrow to try to patch things up ahead of a European summit in Brussels on Thursday that will be dominated by the euro, budget cuts, and a leaner, meaner regime of European "economic governance". Germany, said Dominique de Villepin, the former French prime minister and bitter foe of Sarkozy, "has lost faith in France".
The package has also stoked the anger of Merkel's French counterpart, Nicolas Sarkozy, who has accused the Germans of creating an atmosphere that will stifle growth in Europe at a time when it should be stimulated. Sarkozy arrived in Berlin for talks with Merkel tonight â?? a meeting which the German leader cancelled at the last minute a week ago, adding to speculation that relations between the two politicians are at an all-time low.
Top tips: Red Dust Road by Jackie Kay, Black Water Rising by Attica Locke, After the Fire, a Still Small Voice by Evie Wyld, The Quickening Maze by Adam Foulds, Alone in Berlin by Hans Fallada
This work has held up a mirror, albeit a blurred one, to our own species, suggesting that a great many of our behaviours, once thought to be uniquely human, may have been inherited from the common ancestors that Homo sapiens shared with chimpanzees six million years ago. We therefore have much to commemorate 50 years after Goodall began her strolls through Gombe. These celebrations began yesterday at the Berlin film festival with the premiere of Lorenz Knauer's documentary about Goodall, Jane's Journey â?? which includes a walk-on part for Angelina Jolie â?? and will continue throughout the year.
Academics and writers such as Bill Easterly and Dambisa Moyo now gain plaudits for books with titles such as Dead Aid. Recession-hit politicians at events such as last weekend's G20 summit in Toronto avoid even mentioning the Gleneagles promises. And when official money is handed over, it often ends up on the most useless projects. In 2008, Berlin spent half a million dollars on what it called a "basic nutrition project" but which turned out to be a scheme to reduce unpleasant smells from food-processing factories in China and (naturally enough) Germany. That would be called a joke, if it was only remotely funny.
Hasn't the Guggenheim heard that the world has changed? At a time of waning American empire and feeble global capitalism, the New York museum is flying a solitary flag of expansion. Its franchises around the world, from Berlin to â?? coming soon â?? Abu Dhabi, have earned it an image as the Starbucks of museums. Now yet another is to be created, in a nature reserve in northern Spain, and you may well ask: has the Guggenheim stretched its collections and curatorial imagination too thin?
The oldest "extension" of the original Manhattan museum is the Peggy Guggenheim Collection in Venice. This is simply the great collector and patron's home: it makes sense to see Guggenheim's paintings by Pollock, Ernst and Magritte in the palazzo where she lived. The way her superb collection of modern art stimulated the Venice Biennale must have fuelled the Guggenheims' later global ambitions. Frank Gehry's 1990s Guggenheim in Bilbao set a new standard for museum design and he is also building the Abu Dhabi branch. The Berlin outlet, by contrast, is an architecturally reserved showcase for new art near the Brandenburg Gate.
This rarity is the international festival's opening opera. Carl Heinrich Graun's Montezuma was first performed in Berlin in 1755, with a libretto by Frederick the Great. Flavio Oliver is the Aztec king. King's (0131-473 2000), 14, 15, 17 August.
Could you work outside Berlin for days at a time?
Czy może pani pracować poza Berlinem co jakiś czas?
Then go back to Berlin and do not let what you can.
Wracaj więc do Berlina i rób to, co uważasz za słuszne.
And you want to walk all the way to Berlin?
Chcesz tak iść aż do Berlina?
I had a deal going down in Berlin last week.
Chyba ja wiem. W zeszłym tygodniu miałam zadanie w Berlinie.
It seems he's come all the way from Berlin to stop you.
Ale wydaje się, że on przybył taki kawał drogi z Berlina, aby cię powstrzymać.
The summer came and Berlin was the most beautiful place on earth.
Przyszło lato i Berlin stał się najpiękniejszym miejscem na Ziemii.
This is my doctor at the hospital here in Berlin.
To numer mojego lekarza, tu, w Berlinie.
We'd be in Berlin by now, if it was us instead of them.
Bylibyśmy już w Berlinie, gdybyśmy to byli my.
I just want to check on the material going to Berlin.
Chcę tylko dopilnować materiału idącego do Berlina.
For the first time the youth of Berlin are doing something.
Młodzi w Berlinie po raz pierwszy coś robią.
Oh, and you can imagine what they're saying in Berlin.
Och, możesz sobie wyobrazić co oni tam mówią w Berlinie.
Remember, you must reach our friends in Berlin before 7:00 tonight.
Pamiętajcie, musicie spotkać się z naszymi przyjaciółmi w Berlinie przed 7:00 wieczorem.
There be two men here tomorrow to take you to Berlin.
Przyjedzie po ciebie jutro dwóch oficerów i zabierze do Berlina.
What they do in Berlin is their business, not mine.
To co oni robią w Berlinie jest ich własną sprawą, nie moją.
Why did you get on the train with me to Berlin, then?
To dlaczego wsiadłeś za mną do pociągu do Berlina?
I heard about that job you pulled off in Berlin.
Słyszałem o twojej robocie w Berlinie.
When will we jump into Berlin, see some real action?
Kiedy nas zrzucą do Berlina na prawdziwą akcję?
I met my husband while he was studying in Berlin.
Poznałam mojego męża, kiedy studiował w Berlinie.
I wanted to make history, but Berlin was already freed.
Chciałem tworzyć historię, ale Berlin był już oswobodzony.
I'll take the night train and be in Berlin early tomorrow.
Wsiadam w nocny pociąg i jutro rano jestem w Berlinie.
She was found near a highway this morning just outside Berlin.
Znaleziono ją rano obok autostrady w okolicach Berlina.
You should have seen him at the circus in Berlin.
Musiałeś go widzieć w cyrku w Berlinie.
The reserve army has thousands of men, all over Berlin.
Armia Rezerwowa ma tysiące żołnierzy wokół całego Berlina.
They're saying a child was born in Berlin with all its senses.
Powiedzieli że w Berlinie urochiło się dziecko ze wszystkimi zmysłami.
At 2242, call received on Berlin base chief's operational line.
O 22:42 otrzymano wiadomość z Berlina.
Made it out of Berlin with half the on my tail.
Uciekałem z Berlina z połową na ogonie.
I know for a fact that the film was processed in Berlin.
Wiem, na pewno, że film był montowany w Berlinie.
They're taking him to Berlin, and it looks like he's finished.
Zabierają go do Berlina. - Mają dowód. Jest chyba po nim.
But the real difficulty for the time being lies in Berlin.
Lecz prawdziwy kłopot póki co dotyka Berlin.
It is clear that this will be one of Berlin's most dramatic days.
Z pewnością to będzie jeden z najbardziej dramatycznych dni w historii Berlina.
I heard some of the best swimmers in Berlin come here.
Słyszałem, że niektórzy nalepsi pływacze w Berlinie przychodzą tutaj.
I had it prepared by the best baker in Berlin.
Został przygotowany przez najlepszego piekarza w Berlinie.
We would like to know the exact location of your local control in Berlin.
Chcielibyśmy dokładnie znać lokalizację pańskiej grupy kontrolnej tutaj w Berlinie.
I'm not talking about Berlin, in the countryside, if you can imagine.
Ja nie mówię o studentach z Berlina, ale ze wsi.
I know, that it wouldn't have been granted to me, in Berlin.
W Berlinie nie przyznano by mi go.
Some of the Berlin police still use them today.
Część policji w Berlinie z nich nadal korzysta.
The only thing I know is she lives in Berlin.
Jedyne co wiem to to, że mieszka w Berlinie.
He only wants to go to Berlin, nothing else.
On chce tylko do Berlina, nie ważne jak.
Will you go back to Berlin with me first?
Ale najpierw pojedziemy do Berlina i zastanowimy się, dobrze?
I've decided to take you with me to Berlin.
Zdecydowałem zabrać cię ze mną do Berlina.
I was with them when they blundered into Berlin in 1918.
Byłem z nimi, gdy wchodzili do Berlina w 1918.
Every few months, he'd pack up the currency and take it to Berlin.
Co kilka miesięcy pakował poszczególne waluty i przewoził je do Berlina.
I think he liked it that you advised him to stay in Berlin.
Jest zadowolony, że poradził mu pan zostać w Berlinie.
We have to keep Berlin and make a deal with the Americans.
Musimy utrzymać Berlin i podjąć rozmowy z Amerykanami.
You need to contact the police in Berlin and to require an autopsy.
które Musisz skontaktowaæ siê z policj¹ w Berlinie i wymagaæ autopsji.
Hardly was the ink dry in Berlin when people started to try and water it down.
Ledwie zdążył wyschnąć atrament w Berlinie, a już podejmowano próby stonowania ustaleń.
I was looking forward to Berlin. But he's changed so much.
Cieszyłam się na przyjazd do Berlina, ale on się zmienił.
The only difference between my mother and the Berlin Wall?
Jaka jest jedyna różnica pomiędzy moją mamą a murem berlińskim ?
I didn't even know what was on the film until we got to East Berlin.
Nawet nie wiedziałam nawet co jest na filmie zanim nie dotarliśmy do wschodniego Berlina.
Did you do that thing while I was in Berlin?
Robiłeś tę rzecz, kiedy byłam w Berlinie?